App Previews
Screenshots of the NISL Dictionary in use
App Homepage
This is the first screen you are greeted with and from where you can begin your journey on the app. You enter the word you wish to learn how to spell or sign and then press the desired button underneath. Alternatively, you can choose to see all the available words or begin your NISL journey by using our 'Learn' button.
This is where you will be shown a composite image of the sign for each letter of the word you wish to sign or you can see a video of each letter in sequence to prefect your alphabet signing abilities.
[Shown is the sign for the letters of Noel]
This is where you will be shown a video of the sign that you searched for on the home screen.
[Shown is the sign for the word 'Family']
The 'Learn' option on the home screen will allow you to choose from a range of topics that are currently available on the app. Each topic contains a list of words that you can cycle through and learn the sign for each word.
Available Words
Using the 'See words in dictionary' button from the home screen will allow you to see a list of all the words that are currently available on the app and, also, allow you to refine the list to a certain letter. If a word is not on the list, it can be added by searching for the sign on the Home Screen and an option to suggest the word will be given.